Answering Your Hair Extension Questions

Hair extensions are a hot topic that people are recently discussing. But people still have a lot of doubts about the extension. Today, based on your questions, I will answer them in the following article. Now let’s get into the questions.
#1 Are hair extensions high maintenance? How often do you need hair extension maintenance?
Is it very high-maintenance in the sense of going to get hair extensions done? No, because I get them done around every four to five months, so basically, I get them done twice a year. Does take quite a long time when you get them done, But then again, you’re only getting them done twice a year if you have the kind of extensions. You can get them done sooner, and you can even prolong, and I get them dead every four to five months. I don’t recommend going or waiting that long, but you only need to do them twice a year. So, in that sense, I don’t find it high maintenance.
Suppose you don’t enjoy doing your hair or don’t like being high maintenance. I wouldn’t suggest you do hair extensions. Because it’s just like something extra, you have to do if that makes sense.
#2 How much are hair extensions?
The most asked question is about price. It’s not like a set price for every single person. So it depends on what you need, how much extensions hair you need to have installed, and what kind you get established.
#3 How long do hair extensions last?
As I said, they lost between 4 to 5 months. I try to get human hair extensions done around 4 months. So either like 2 or 3 times a year, and you can go five months.
#4 how to wash hair extensions?
I wash my hair the same as when I didn’t have extensions hair.
#5 How to prevent hair breakage with extensions?
You have to remember what human hair extensions are in your hair. Your hair is stuck in the bond. So any piece of hair that comes loose from your head is attached to that bond. So when you’re taking the bonds out, you may think, oh my god, I’m losing so much hair. But in reality, it’s the hair that has fallen out already, but it was just stuck in a bind and couldn’t like to fall on the floor. When you’re taking them out, you feel like you’re bald.
Because I’m used to having all this hair, and it’s so thick and luscious, I like ordinary people’s hair. Because most people don’t have super thick hair like this, and if you do, you are super blessed, and I’m so jealous. But when I go back to my normal hair, I feel bald when in reality, it’s just like the hair I had before. So no, I haven’t experienced any breakage.
#6 What do you use to style your hair?
To style my extension hair, I only use these two curling irons. The one is curling iron from Hot Tools, and I don’t know the brand of my other curling iron.
#7 Do you use any leave-in?
Now I want to talk about all of the products I use on my best hair extensions daily to shampoo and condition. I alternate between four different shampoo and conditioner sets for my human hair extensions.
The first is Nioxin dioxin. I use it only on the top of my head and not the bottom Because I don’t want my hair to grow extra fast or extra long where my human hair extension are Because I’ll have to get them done more often, Nioxin is a treatment for your hair that helps grow, let me tell you. It works. I’ve used this in the past, making my hair grow like a frickin weed. Okay, it’s just so good.
I used treatment number three only on the top of my ear, and then I’ll wash the rest with a different shampoo and conditioner. It makes your hair soft. It leaves your hair feeling really like clean, feels minty, and tingly. I don’t use it every time and wash my hair once a week. I’ll use it because I am trying to grow my hair longer on top.
The second set is this mace salt. It is the absolute best purple shampoo. I’ll leave the shampoo on for two or three minutes, and then I’ll put the purple conditioner, which is very important. You can leave that on for four to five minutes if you’re doing an at-home color treatment.
The third shampoo and conditioner I use is the sol de Janeiro shampoo and conditioner. I love it.
And the fourth is it gives you shampoo and conditioner, which I also really love. If you’re ordering from Canada, be careful because you will get hit with duties. Now, I put this on every night in terms of after shampoo and conditioner. It’s the Kerastase night treatment. It’s a treatment you don’t have to wash off. You wake up in your hair feels stuff soft. I don’t put that all over my extensions. I only put that on my natural hair because that is expensive.
In terms of leave-in, I use the yuzu primer, and they give you oil, and then I also use what the hell is it. I don’t know the exact name. I use it every time I wash my hair, which is the only product I use. But trust me, that night serum is like a lifesaver.
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After reading this article, whether you are a salon hairstylist, a hair brand owner, or someone interested in hairdos, you probably understand hairdos by now. I believe the questions answered above should answer many of your doubts.
In addition, if you do not know the types of hair extensions, you can refer to the following article, which introduces All Baout Hair Extensions.
I believe that through these articles, you should be able to choose the right hair extension products for your customers. If you are an individual buyer, you should also be able to choose the right hair extension products for you.
If you are looking for a reliable supplier for your hair business, please go for JIFFY HAIR FACTORY, we will not let you down.
Send inquiry by visiting Jiffy hair factory website.
The next article will continue to answer your doubts about hair extensions.