How to Cut Hair Extensions to Blend


How to Cut Hair Extensions to Blend

How to Cut Hair Extensions to Blend

Are you having a little trouble blending your Jiffy hair extensions? Do you prefer a more layered or tapered look? This article shows you how to cut jiffy hair extensions to blend!

What Will You Need?

Jiffy human hair extension

Hair cutting scissors and Comb.


If you are unsure, please take your set to a hairdresser with experience cutting jiffy hair extensions to be professionally cut and blended with your natural hair.

We do not take responsibility for unwanted results, so if you are not confident with cutting hair, this is important to ensure you achieve the exact results you desire!

Hair Extension Tutorial.


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1 Locate the short pieces of your natural hair by brushing through them with your comb. This will indicate where to start cutting the jiffy 100 human hair extensions.

2 Holding the section of hair in between your fingers, gently cut in a slow diagonal motion, keeping the blades open & moving at all times.

3 This technique is perfect for adding shape to the front sections of your hair for a more tapered look.


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1 Point-cutting feathers at the hair end aim to eliminate any blunt lines.

2 To point cut, pick up the ends and cut straight into the hair. With the point-cutting technique, cutting in straight lines is important to avoid cutting any length.


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Very similar to the slicing technique, slithering removes bulk to create a more tapered look throughout the hair rather than the front layers.

Instead of from the side, take your scissors straight down in the middle of the section and use the same slicing technique.


When using the slicing technique, you can also over-direct the hair by pulling it to the opposite side to further layer the hair extensions.


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This gets rid of any wispy, uneven ends once you’ve layered the hair to taste.


– If you are not sure, take your hair extensions to a salon to have them professionally cut and blend with your natural hair. It is important to always seek advice from a hairdresser who has experienced haircuts.

– Work very carefully, cutting very small amounts at a time. Remember, we are not responsible for the cost or responsibility for unwanted cutting results, so you want to make sure you take extra care when cutting your extensions!

-It is best to cut and apply extensions to your hair so you can see the exact results

-Look straight up in the mirror so that the hair is in the correct position

– Always use scissors specifically designed for cutting hair

– Do not use any tension or pull extensions

Where To Buy Halo Hair Extensions

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Whether you want to add volume or length, you’ll need manual extensions. The Jiffy hair extensions factory offers the most cost-effective wholesale prices for best halo hair extension to all of our customers.

PRODUCTS FEATURED: ————————————-

JIFFY Tape-In Hair Extensions.

JIFFY Fusion & Pre Bonded Hair Extensions.

JIFFY Clip In Human Hair Extensions.

JIFFY Human Hair Halo Extensions.

JIFFY Wefted Hair Extensions.


Si usted está buscando un proveedor confiable para su negocio de cabello, por favor vaya a JIFFY HAIR FACTORY, we will not let you down.

Envíe una consulta visitando el sitio web de la peluquería jiffy.

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